Tuesday 12 January 2010

riding out winter

for the last couple of years, i have commuted on my bike through the winter. since i moved from cap hill, it is even more of a necessity. my commute is about 10-15 on my bike (depending on lights) and 45 mins on public transportation (it will never happen). on the days that i really CAN'T ride my bike, i usually work from home. i just don't have it in me to sit underground or on a bus for that long. plus i still have to walk a bit outside. all told, the bike commute is the best.

one benefit of riding in the winter is people are super nice to you. not the cars, the cars still hate the bikers. but the people in my building are. EVERY time i go through our security all red and frozen i feel like the guards and the others who are just getting to work are extra nice. then in the elevators (coming or going) people start talking to me about riding to work. i have made so many friends in my building just because i have a beanie, ear muffs, helmet, scarf, coat, gloves, and cycling shoes on. it makes me feel like i am both a champion and very popular (which has always been a goal of mine).

if you are a winter bike rider, i might suggest getting on of these cool helmet covers/wraps. and if you get one for yourself, don't hesitate to send one to me either. i would totally love one!

the other day, i had THE most treacherous bike ride ever. it was a day when i should have just worked from home. it was 25ºF outside. it was windy something fierce. i bundled up and felt like a total champion for riding. the wind kept cutting from different directions. i seriously had to lean into the wind. a couple of times the wind pushed my bike to the right. then there were the times when the direction of the wind would change dramatically because of the buildings i was riding between. the sudden change was dangerous. i would be leaning into the wind and then suddenly it would shift directions and i would nearly fall down. somehow i managed to keep riding . . . between the cars and everything. i think if i had one of these helmet covers the whole thing wouldn't have been so scary.


Michelle said...

Teabelly - I also have a daily commute on my Bike. It's a huge red bike with one gear and a big basket on front. I think my red beauty and my commute is slowly turning me Chinese.

teabelly said...

isaac and daniel cook,
i think you should embrace you change from a white boy to a hot tranny chinese mess by purchasing one of these cool helmet covers.

just a thought.

hugs from teabelly!

ginger said...

not to mention, you would be one hot biker ho!