Sunday 21 March 2010

a weekend of great qi (chi)

this weekend has been one of the best on record. HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM just passed! the weather was stunningly perfect. i swam, road, and ran and did yoga twice. i gardened and planted pots of bulbs and even gave some bulbs away . . . spreading the wonder of gardening flowers.

here are some photos from today . . .

considering the lilies, well actually sweet peas
i believe we planted over 50 pea seeds today
(which are just little dehydrated peas)

when we pulled out the last of the corn stalks, we found some freeze-dried corn.

we brushed some of the kernels off
and planted those too
we will see if it works

joe and i went on a 45 mile bike ride . . .
on accident.
we thought doing the loop would be a little bit longer,
but turns out it was alot longer
supposedly i burnt 2102 KCAL

we stopped at the capitol to see the big anti-health insurance reform protest
there were about 100 people there

most of them cops

the philosophies of men mingled with scripture

then we ran into a real protest
thousands of protesters headed to the mall to demonstrate their
support immigration reform

i road by a group walking to the mall
sat up tall on my bike
and chanted "¡Si se puedes!
i got the whole group to start chanting

just a humble cyclist, doing her part

as we looped around and got inside of rock creek part,
i was struck by the wabi sabi of the park
i learned about wabi sabi from the utne reader when i was living in kansas city
it was a perfect place for me to learn it.
i spent hours driving through the fields of kansas and nebraska
and the rolling grasslands in missouri and iowa

i think it is really beautiful
"Characteristics of the wabi-sabi aesthetic include
asymmetry, asperity, simplicity, modesty, intimacy,
and the suggestion of natural processes."

i think wabi-sabi is a good principal for me to be thinking about right now.
there is beauty in the imperfect.
we are all imperfect, yet all are beautiful
everyone has something to give
and everyone is in need of something.

for some reason i think this is going to be an important principal to carry with me to haiti.
i am not sure why . . .
hopefully i will be able to see the beauty in the process.
there is beauty in the process, even when it is painful.

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