Saturday 19 September 2009

cooks illustrated

i finally decided to upload all the photos from my camera. i have been LAME about doing that. so here is the first of a number of installments on "teabelly summer '09" because all is fine in zero nine.

marc and michelle, et al came to visit dc and it was a blast. it was so fun to see them that i decided i was going to hang out with them in china for christmas.

i was worried the boys would have forgotten who i was. i was MOST worried that daniel would forget who i was. the cooks were staying at my house, which was a real treat, and when they arrived issac came in the house like he owned the place, but daniel was a bit shy. i asked him if he remembered who i was, and he didn't respond. so i showed him a couple of things that i thought might jog his memory: the terracotta pigs and the indian elephant. he didn't really have much to say. i was kinda bummed, and then he asked me where the worms were. :) so he did remember. he was REALLY annoyed that they were at dianna's house. to the point that he asked me to talk to her and so we called her while she was on assignment in south western virginia doing this story. he gave her a piece of his mind about having the worms. . . t'was pretty funny!

all his talk of worms, convinced me to get a new worm gin that would work at my house... i got this one . . . wormtopia

i know, less about worms, more about cooks . . .

here is daniel soon after arrival
he is a full on boy

we had a thai extravaganza from thai x-ing
true to form, thai x-ing was SUPER late
we were starving before the food was done,
but it just made it all the more scrumptious

this is katie and michelle waiting patiently with issac and alex

please note that marc is the only parent without a child in these photos

so the next set of photos is from the party at elaine's house to welcome the cooks back
for some reason i have 100 photos of oliver and maya
one of lindsay and mike
and that is it
i couldn't decide which of the photos of maya and oliver were the best
so . . . you decide

seriously, how cute.

these guys are cute too, but it just isn't fair to have to follow oliver and maya

oliver through a skinny lens

the boys LOVED my bath tub.
and the bubbles

oliver, just being cute

daniel with a beard

obviously, issac had the time of his life

thanks for staying at my house cooks! come back soon!

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